Curtis and Cheryl are two of the loveliest humans on the spinning globe we call Earth. Spiritually attuned, informative, healing, open hearted, humble, ….. (list goes to ∞). Their loving, joyful, safe energy is transformative. If you’re in a struggle or just searching for those next aligned steps on your journey, you’ll find clarity. Most likely in an unexpected way. I’ve attended multiple events and always leave with a clearer sense of self.

I was very resistant at my first event in early December. I had limited knowledge of any modalities outside of talk therapy. My engineer/ attorney brain functions on evidence. I’m so glad I was open to trying something different (for me). I got a few unlocks that day. More importantly, it unveiled a world of practices to keep me aligned and moving towards my best self.

If you’re trying to break a pattern, find your next steps, or even just want a pleasant, safe, chill experience, please consider their events as a way.